
的 Juilliard residence hall experience offers students a safe, 包容, and welcoming environment that fosters development of practical life skills and independence. Residents are from all over the world and study in our dance, 戏剧, 音乐部门, creating a multifaceted community of artists where students enjoy building friendships, 产生新想法, 以及在课堂之外的合作. Juilliard’s 居住生活 staff works to nurture the growth and development of all residents and coordinates fun and enriching programs throughout the year.

梅雷迪思威尔逊宿舍 离学校大楼只有几步之遥吗, providing a unique opportunity to have no commute and enjoy stunning views of 林肯中心 and the Upper West Side.

除了学生宿舍, the 梅雷迪思威尔逊宿舍 is home to the Daniel Saidenberg Faculty Suites and the Susan and Elihu Rose Presidential Suite, which provide apartment-style lodging for faculty members and guests.

When school is not in session, the residence hall is also available to host 夏季会议.


9 a.m.-12 a.m. 午夜 


的 Office of 居住生活 consists of two full-time professional staff members who live in the building and provide 24/7 emergency response. 另外, three live-in graduate assistants (GAs) and 11 resident assistants (RAs) support students and promote a positive experience in the residence hall.  

居住生活 hosts approximately 75 programs each year that give students the opportunity to break free from their rigorous daily routine. 有些节目本质上是完全社会化的, while others have an educational spin designed to give students the tools to succeed both in and out of the artistic realm. 


米洛康巴内拉, 住宿生活主任
Suesue Eldanaf, 住宿生活副主任
悉尼池, 研究生堂主任


(212) 799-5000,转7400


请参阅 2023-2024年学历 宿舍开放和关闭日期.

新生应参考 新生迎新 查询到达日期.


秋季住房选择 is exclusively for returning students only. New incoming students will be able to apply for housing in early June, 在他们拿到茱莉亚学院的证书之后.

下学年我想住在校园里?  完成这些步骤,参与其中 秋季住房选择 选择你的房间!

1. 在住房门户网站中完成住房申请
通过Okta登录StarRez住房门户网站开始. 所有申请材料截止日期为4月15日 参加秋季住房选择. You will select a meal plan at the time of completing the housing application.


2. 支付150美元的订房费
This can be completed within the housing portal using a credit card.


3. 签订宿舍合同
You must sign the housing contract by 12pm (noon) on April 15. 决定一下你是想签一年还是两年的合同. By signing a two-year contract, you will secure the published rate for the following academic year. 你不能修改你的合同后,你已经签署了它.

4. 创建一个室友组,并选择一个组长(可选)
这是可选的,不影响房间类型的可用性. 你可以创建一个2 - 6人的小组一起生活. You can edit your roommate group and designate a group leader 至四月十八日中午十二时止. After this time, all existing roommate groups will be locked. Group leaders will select a suite and designate bedrooms for the entire group within a suite.

5. 获得您的住房选择时间段
所有已完成住宿申请的学生, 支付房费, and signed the housing contract will receive a timeslot on April 19.

Roommate groups will receive a timeslot based on the size of the group to maximize the space in the building. Room availability will be predetermined by the number of groups and solo selectors who participate in housing selection, meaning that rooms will be set aside strictly for solo selection.

6. 团体和个人住房选择
团体住房选择将于4月23日至24日进行. Group leaders will be able to select a space for themselves and their suitemates during their designated timeslot.


Double and single bedrooms will be available for both group and solo selection. Keep in mind that singles are limited and the majority of students live in double rooms.

Application materials must be submitted by April 15 to participate

欲知详情, reference the email titled "Housing Lottery and Room Selection 信息rmation" sent to your Juilliard email. 问题? 联系 (电子邮件保护).


住房抽签和房间选择2024 Reader Friendly Version





Thank you for your interest in working for the Office of 居住生活! We are currently hiring for three positions summarized below:
General Description: 的 居民顾问 (RC) is a student staff member who lives in an assigned suite in the 梅雷迪思威尔逊宿舍 and assists in the implementation of the Summer 跳舞 and 打击乐器 Intensives. RC是一个榜样, 朋辈辅导员, and builds community for the participants of the Summer 跳舞, 打击乐器, 声乐艺术, 钢琴, and 作文 Summer Intensives and is responsible for the safety and wellbeing of a group of campers that reside within the residence hall. 的 RC serves on call within a duty rotation of other RCs and reports directly to the Summer Conference and 居住生活 Coordinator.  

日期:2024年7月1日- 27日



General Description: 的 头顾问 (HC) is a student staff member who lives in an assigned suite in the 梅雷迪思威尔逊宿舍 and assists with the implementation of the Summer 跳舞, 打击乐器, 声乐艺术, 钢琴, 和作文. 高等法院是一个榜样, 朋辈辅导员, and builds community for the participants in the Summer 跳舞 and 打击乐器 Intensives and is responsible for the safety and wellbeing of a group of campers that reside within the residence hall. 民政事务主任随叫随到,由其他民政事务主任轮流值勤. 

日期:2024年7月1日- 27日   



General Description: 的 SCA is a student staff member who lives in an assigned suite in the 梅雷迪思威尔逊宿舍 and assists in the operations of the Office of 居住生活. 这个职位每周工作25-40小时. 一些职责包括担任办公室助理, 随叫随到, 参加每周的员工会议和一对一的交流, and supporting the operations of summer conference and the Office of 居住生活. 

日期:2024年5月29日- 8月27日    

●共用套房内的单人卧室 within the residence hall  
● $16/hour for non-duty hours worked at Office of 居住生活 

对这些角色感兴趣? 请填写 这个应用程序 2024年4月12日. 还有问题吗?? 联系 the 住宿生活副主任 Suesue Eldanaf at (电子邮件保护)